ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE:What is AI? What are the features of AI?

3 min readOct 19, 2020

Artificial intelligence refers to the Imitation of human`s intelligence in machines that are designed in such a way that those machines will be able to think like humans and mimic their actions. Basically, AI is a technique of getting machines to behave and work like humans.

Generally, we are trying to build decision making capabilities in machines as in humans.


The term AI was coined in early 1956 by John McCarthy. He defines that “Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines”.

In the 1960`s, the US Department of defense took interest in this type of work and began to train the computers to imitate basic human reasoning.

The DARPA (Defense Advanced Research project agency) completed street mapping project in 1970 and has also produced intelligent personal assistants by 2003.

AI is a fundamental risk to the existence


Reasoning is the art of drawing inferences appropriate to the situation. Inferences can be defined in 2 different ways: Inductive inference and Deductive inference.

The biggest difference in inductive and deductive inference is that in deductive case the truth of the premises guarantees the truth of conclusion, whereas on the other hand in inductive case lend support to the decision without giving absolute guarantee.


There are many different forms of learning in AI, but the very simplest and easiest form of learning is trial and error method.


Artificial perception is sufficiently well advanced to enable optical sensors to identify individuals, autonomous vehicles to drive on highways with minimal speed and robots to work around different areas to collect empty soda cans and waste papers.

Self-driving cars: Smart cars are being used in US which are designed by company TESLA.


Artificial intelligence is so revolutionary, that scientists are even of it as the new age electricity. Scientist and researchers are claiming that AI is a technology that will completely transform the way of industrial works.

This is what makes AI unique. Unlike the humans, AI also successfully attempts to interpret and act suitably.

AI enabled systems are defined in such a way that they do observe and react to their surroundings accordingly. They not only perceive and act accordingly but also keep in mind about the situation that might come up in the near future.

Chat bots is software that enables a conversation with the user to solve their queries either by texting or by auditory methods. Companies like Swiggy, Nykaa have started using Chat bots as a means of customer’s services.

Email filtering: Email services uses AI to filter incoming emails, users can train their spam filter by marking emails as “spam”.

Example: Intelligent personal assistants like Amazon`s Alexa and Apple`s Siri.

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